Ted Cruz is not Our Lord and Savior


Ted Cruz cannot save America.

Ted Cruz cannot even help America.

And honestly, I don't care what happens to America. America is a nation. Nations rise and fall. I really don't care what happens to America.

I care about what happens to the church. And it distresses me immensely to see people more concerned about getting Cruz into office than seeing the Gospel preached in churches across America. Sure, maybe he's better than Trump. But if Ted Cruz is not elected president, God is still in control and the church is more important anyway.

Because regardless of who gets voted in as President (sorry, but it is almost definitely not going to be Cruz), the only thing that can improve a society is Christ and Christ's love. Not Ted Cruz, not the Tea Party, not political rallies, not the Constitution, not America, not the Founding Fathers, no. Those shall all pass. The church is eternal. Please, do not store up earthly treasures, but lay up treasure in heaven. Do not put more energy and investment into the kingdoms of the earth than into the Kingdom of God. The early church did not go out and picket the Roman Empire or try to form a "Christian nation." They focused on the church, which knows no national confinement and those within it and on bringing more into the fold through the preaching of the Gospel. Please let us do the same.

Christ, not Cruz, is the only thing that can change the world. Prayers, not votes, are more effective. It is a grievous sin to put patriotism before loyalty to the church. Patriotism itself is not a sin, but I am more concerned about the church blessing God and one another rather than God blessing America.

Yes, go and vote. But instead maybe of stuffing your life and mind and time with politics and statistics and a man from Texas, focus your eyes on prayer, the Word, the church, and the Lord.


  1. I do care about America- for your and my children's sake. Having lived in Eritrea under a Maoist Marxist dictator and in Uganda under a reasonably benevolent dictator I have a new appreciation for the freedoms of choice we have as American citizens. Of course Cruz is not the ultimate answer but to vote for a man who seems to hold values favorable to a christian lifestyle seems prudent. This is the first time in my life an openly evangelical, constitutionally conservative christian man has run for office. I am not patriotic particularly- I think the US is a mess and prefer to live as an expatriate- but for my children's sake I will be voting for Ted Cruz. They may very well be voting against me. If you care about the church you should care about who is going to be pushing their agenda on the land- it may have some seriously adverse consequences on your ability to live and worship.

  2. The Bible is very specific that we are to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's - and our founding fathers knew this - the first three words of the Constitution establish WHO is the governing authority of our land - "We the People" - not politicians. SO, in the USA, we who claim to be Christians actually have a DUTY to be involved in the governing of the land, as we ARE part of the governing.

    So, we should be concerned about who is getting into office - it is our duty. And we should be FOCUSED on it - and one can put efforts into more than one thing in life. Far too many "evangelical Christians" spend time casting down the role we owe our country as Christians, as shown by the declining vote participation - and meanwhile, they live in the only country in the world founded specifically to give them the RIGHT to self-government.


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