Why You Should Actually Be Modest

You could probably fill the Indian Ocean with the amount of digital ink spilled on the topic of modesty, on where lines should be drawn and what swim suits you should wear and light tests and bend-over tests and boys and how boys work and what boys think and holiness and stumbling blocks and legalism and judging and skirt-wearers and assault and constraint and body image and culture and heart attitude and whatever other factors people drag into the subject.

While all of these factors may or may not play into the modesty debate, in the end, none of them matter.

Hold your horses, let me clarify: none of them matter in light of the REAL reason we should dress modestly.

The real reason we should dress modestly is because God commands it.

1 Timothy 2:9: "Likewise also women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control."

No more argument.

God commands we dress modestly, with self-control and a pure, cheerful, and willing heart, in respectable apparel, for His glory.

That should be enough motivation for us to do so without complaint.


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